Monday, 17 October 2011


Today I lost a spanner,
I also lost my Gran,
So far from home and comfort,
I'll just do what I can.

'Keep calm and carry on.'
Thats the British moto.
"Shouganai" As the Japanese say,
But hell I just don't want to.

Scream and rage and vent,
Thats what I wish I could do,
Or at least talk with the rest of the fam,
I know you're feeling it to.

But that won't honor her memory,
That won't do her Justice.
Dear sweet Thelma you were a wonder,
And by the Jones' will be missed.

The strength you harboured,
My drive and commitment,
I got it from you.

Such compassion and heart,
You had that as well.
Upon sad times,
You never did dwell.

Even three years later,
You never faltered,
Even though your life,
Was so drastically altered.

The flame of your courage,
Burns in us all.
Your light will surely guide us,
All over the world.

She put up with us for long enough,
I'm sure she'd agree.
Always the first to quip,
At our quirky family.

I bet she took one look at death,
And with a hint of glee,
Told him to get on with it,
I've better places to be.

So I call to all my relatives,
Listen to me well,
Be brave just like Thelma,
One Hell of a gal.


  1. Wow man, I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts and prayers are with you man.

  2. Really good. You sum her up perfectly. :-)

  3. Marcus mate, very sorry to hear about your nan, lovely poem, hope you are well and see you soon mate kirsten xxx

  4. what a nice tribute to your Gran – big ups to you =]

  5. Marcus - we are very proud of you and I know Grandma was too - she told me.
    Love from Val
